
book orders

My book, I Will Give You the Rain, is a devotional book, 197 pages long, and sells for $9.00 (plus shipping).If you are interested in ordering a copy of I Will Give You the Rain please email me and include the number of books you desire along with your address.

"How easily we are discouraged and tempted to allow the struggles we face to deter us from believing the truth of God's promises. We become weary and choose to turn aside. Disillusioned, we seek as easier way. Our enemy would have us entertain the thought that God can break His Word (Deuteronomy 11:16). This is impossible! There is purpose in every climb! I have found that the fruit of knowing Christ has been watered and brought to maturity while I am parched and weary, struggling up the steep incline of a mountain! I must have the mountain if I am to enjoy the rich harvest of the valley."

My booklet, Her Beautiful Dwelling Place, was published this last spring.  It began as a blog post...and after many requests for copying we decided to make it available in book form.  Written to bless and encourage young girls and women as they wait on the Lord to bring about the desires of their hearts, this booklet and sells for $3.50 (plus shipping). If you are interested in ordering a copy of Her Beautiful Dwelling Place please email me and include the number of books you desire along with your address.

"Spend  your single life becoming the kind of woman a godly man of valor desires to marry.  Don't sell yourself short.  You are worth so very much!  Be where you should be if he is ever going to find you--in that beautiful place called "waiting on God."

We are very grateful as God continues to bless both mine and my husband's writing with 3 books published and more in the works.  Our webpage is under construction right now...and we look forward to the time is up and running, making ordering and passing on our information easier!  

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